vrijdag 27 november 2015

That time when I liveblogged the Captain America: Civil War trailer

Hallo internet! Ik heb mijn natuurkunde toets eindelijk achter de rug en heb nu dus eindelijk tijd om volledig los te gaan over de nieuwe Captain America trailer.

Ik weet niet hoe ik de volledige film ga overleven als ik al moeite had met 2,5 min. trailer, maar ik laat het jullie weten als ik de film gezien heb. Hoop ik.

En dan nu, al mijn gedachten tijdens het kijken van de trailer, uitgetypt en wel. Ik heb niet echt dingen gefixt na het typen, dus succes met uitvogelen wat ik bedoel. De trailer is in het Engels, dus ik denk ik het Engels. Sorry. Sommige zinnen zullen linkjes zijn naar afbeeldingen/gifs, om het iets duidelijker te maken :)

Tijdens de trailer
Bucky how did your hand get stuck in that machine thing
also, why
Im so here for hobo!Bucky
Bucky: *says some sappy stuff*
Sam: *did not see the gay coming*
"you used to put newspapers in your shoes" yeah, okay, but why
tell us the reason for the newspapers, steve
cause of death: that tiny ghost of a smile when bucky says the newspaper thing
Steve's face is the worst thing in the world i swear. his eyebrows say 'oh so thats how it is' but his eyes say 'BUCKY YOURE BACK I LOVE YOU'
"youre a wanted man" that's right. Steve wants you.
"i don't do that anymore" my baby im so so sorry the world has failed you you didn't deserve any of this. also Bucky's FACE please give SebStan a million awards his acting is just the most beautiful and amazing thing ever
did those shirts say polizei? are we in germany? why?
vigilante? really? he's literally the reckless idiot he's always been, he's just not fighting for u this time.
Steve looks bored af. his face is literally 'dont care'
now you see him, now you don't (he's a ghost, remember. youll never find him) (maybe his arm got stuck on a magnet in that car) (who knows)
Steve your eyes are hella blue tbh
and your face does 'when will my husband return from war'
"i know how much Bucky means to you" I KNOW HOW MUCH BUCKY MEANS TO YOU. I AM DEAD
bucky riding a motorcycle, the badass he is
"stay out of this one. please" shes saying this as his friend. she doesn't want to fight him. she wouldnt say please if she didnt feel bad about this. shes desperately trying to keep their friendship but its falling apart. i dont like it. their friendship was so good and i love it.
natasha finally has the hair she deserves tbh. it looks so good
whats up with the 'i dont want to be seen, so i wear a baseball cap'
you saw the little guy in the smithsonian steve, he didnt fall for the baseball cap. why do you not learn from your mistakes
is that steve standing between buck and guys with guns
shiny armor, tony. even shinier than the last time
is that bucky with a gun covering steves back. cuz i like that.
but not for long enough
i need a sharon movie
worried sam has all the reason to be worried
AND BUCKY'S FACE AFTER THAT (his jaw did the thing did you see)
"sometimes i really want to hit you in your perfect teeth" tony this is not how flirting works
Sam doing that move where he jumps off the building and activates his wings at the last possible moment is my fav thing.
people shooting at steve, nothing new here
oh look its the baseball cap thing again (falcon in a cap)
sams right though. this couldve been prevented if sam had been an asshole. but no. hes a sweet guy
and he loves steve enough to ask him not to do the thing but still help him if he does the thing anyway. remember the 'i do whatever he does, just slower'
steve stop jumping through windows. it's a bad idea
this just in: bucky actually clicks his backpack on the front like a kid and it's adorable
also why do steve, sam and bucky wear the same colour palette outfits w/ caps
was that clint running away from the explosion
once again, #SquadGoals
they look badass af, but buckys pulling a face.
t'challa can kick me in the face. itd be an honor
no, i take back my words. natasha fighting is my fav thing ever. LOOK AT HER.
run bbys
bucky don't run over the car that's a bad idea. how is that actually possible by the way
i kinda expected t'challa to be more ninja-y than parcour-y. and i want to see the maskless face.
hold back the heli
is natasha looking at the explosion clint ran away from, cuz i really cant handle those two fighting
BUCKY IS FIGHTING TONY WITH SO MUCH RAGE WHAT DID TONY DO TO STEVE (thats the only possible reason for buckys rage tbh. also he better not be saying 'steves dead' here)
is bucky gonna pull out the arc reactor cuz bby, it aint gonna kill him no more.  hes got a healthy(ish) heart now.
also tony's jaw's doing the thing
and his hair is flat
so that aint good
bucky's face again (im dying)
"but he's my friend" hello winter soldier parallel ('youre my friend' w/ same bruised face)
"so was i" really though? were you ever? all i saw was arguing, more arguing, a general 'fight me' attitude on both sides and a whole lot of sexual tension. that aint friendship. well, maybe in tonys dictionairy, but not in steves. this is not even close to his friendship w/ bucky, or sam, or natasha, or peggy
okay, thats it. i realised now what my favorite thing ever is. it's bucky and steve fighting together, completely in sync, fighting together effortless without even looking at eachother. they work so well together i might die
also im just hella weak for well choreographed fight sequences in general so there's that
epic logo with epic music
the soundtrack in the trailer is amazing by the way, if you didn't notice, pls listen again
it's perfect

Na de trailer
  • Kan Ant-Man net zo afwezig zijn in de film als in de trailer? Ik ben niet heel erg fan van hem.
  • Ik hoop dat Bruce Banner ook wegblijft trouwens. Dat zou fijn zijn. Stuur de Hulk maar naar de maan.
  • Waarom was Sharon niet meer in beeld? Ik ben dol op Sharon. Ik zou het top vinden als de film volledig focust op Steve en Bucky en de rest, en ik heb echt geen zin in een geforceerde 'no homo' romance tussen Steve en Sharon, maar Sharon is als personage onwijs cool en ik wil meer van haar zien
  • Ik wil meer Clint zien en ik wil meer Natasha zien. Natasha had beduidend minder screentime in de trailer dan Sam, en dat had beter gekund. 
  • Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe Spider-man in dit verhaal gaat passen. Ik denk dat ze hem nog niet laten zien tot de film zelf, maar ik hoop dat ze het een beetje logisch gemaakt hebben.
Dat was een emotionele achtbaan. Het was niet de trailer die te zien was op Comic Con (en ik kan het weten, ik heb alle transcripts die er waren gelezen), maar de rest krijgen we in latere trailers nog wel te zien.

Misschiiiieeeen dat ik morgen nog een meter lang verhaal schrijf over Steve en de drive achter zijn keuzes, de dingen die er gebeuren, de dingen die ik graag zou zien, etc., maar dat weet ik nog niet zeker.

Voor nu hou ik het bij deze (veel te lange) blogpost over een 2,5 min. trailer.

Tot morgen (/vandaag eigenlijk, het is al half 2. Logisch dat deze post super dramatisch is. Dit zijn midnight rambles)

❤ Elisah

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